Embedding a Truthcasting Live Stream

If you are using the Truthcasting live stream service, you will be able to embed your Truthcasting live stream directly into your website.

Using this method, whenever you are broadcasting live, viewers will be able to watch the stream in real time right on your website without the need to navigate to Facebook, YouTube, or some other video platform.

Here are the steps necessary to obtain the "embed code" from Truthcasting and add it to the website:

1. Log in to your Truthcasting admin panel, and click on the "Sermons" tab.

2. Find the very first entry in the list, which should be called "Live Stream" and click the blue ID link next to it.

3. Click the "Embed" tab that appears, and copy the "Video Player URL" that is listed.

4. In the Spirelight Web editor on your website, search for the "Truthcasting Live" widget, and drag it onto the page on which you want the livestream to appear.

5. Paste the "Video Player URL" you copied from your Truthcasting account into the field provided in the Truthcasting Live widget. That's it! Whenever you go live, your stream will be shown. Make sure to Publish the page to make your new addition live on your website.